A major online seller of disinformation about COVID-19 and its vaccines has had one of its channels removed from YouTube, days after an Associated Press investigation detailed how they work with other spreaders of false information to make money. The Truth About Vaccines YouTube channel was taken down this week, Ty and Charlene Bollinger said in a post Tuesday on the messaging app Telegram. The Bollingers' channel had about 75,000 subscribers but some of its videos had a much broader reach, including one that had over 1.5 million views and featured Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a prominent voice in the anti-vaccine movement. A message that greets visitors to the channel says the account was "terminated for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines." It was not immediately clear why the channel was shut down now; YouTube started banning anti-vaccine misinformation in October. A spokesperson said the company was working on a statement. Still, the Bollingers operate The Truth...