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Showing posts with the label Virology

COVID-19 One year later from the US Perspective (Original Article)

Back in January 2020 the world was preparing for a new decade. When COVID-19 started the attention was focused on China's handling of the initial reported sick cases and investigations leading to the worldwide pandemic. During this time the United States was not prepared for this pandemic and did not consider the initial cases as a soon to be humanitarian crisis.  Once the pandemic came the first wave came via Travis Air Force Base in California as a quarantine and humanitarian mission to reduce the spread of the virus. However, that mission failed once more data on the characteristics of the  virus came to light.  Ever since the pandemic exposed lots of flaws from income inequality, unequal health care among races and access to health insurance, the conspiracy theorists influencing the political response of the pandemic for political gain.  In contrast, COVID-19 also showed us opportunities such as the importance of science communication to the public, and the impor...

Virology Lectures 2021 #1: What is a Virus? A Microbe.TV and Columbia University video.

  Vincent Racaniello does a lecture on Viruses for Columbia University for the 2021 semester. This is the Introduction lecture.