NewsDesk @infectiousdiseasenews UN health officials report in Cameroon, a total of nine presumptive cases of yellow fever, including three deaths (case fatality rate 33 %), tested positive by plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) at the Centre Pasteur in Cameroun (CPC) through August 9 this year. Public domain via wikimedia commons These cases originated from six different regions with a total of nine health districts (HDs) affected: Adamaoua region (Ngaoundere rural HD), Far North region (Maga, Mogode, Yagoua HD), Littoral region (Yabassi HD), North region (Guider, Garoua 1 HDs), North-West region (Bamenda HD), and Centre region (Eséka HD). Cameroon is among the countries classified as high risk for yellow fever according to the Eliminate Yellow Fever Epidemics Global Strategy (EYE strategy) with a history of yellow fever outbreaks (1930s-2013). The low vaccination coverage poses a risk of rapid spread of yellow fever in Cameroon. Coverage shows a suboptimal nat...