In a follow-up on the Nipah virus case and death in Kerala state, India earlier this month, the World Health Organization published a Disease Outbreak News Friday that provides some additional information: On 4 September 2021, the Kerala State Health department reported an isolated case of Nipah virus disease in Kozhikode district, Kerala state, India. Nipah has a relatively high case fatality ratio, and is an emerging zoonotic disease of public health importance in the South East Asia and Western Pacific WHO Regions. This is the fifth outbreak of the disease in India (Siliguri town in 2001, followed by a second outbreak in Nadia district in 2007, both in West Bengal state. In 2018, an outbreak was reported in Kozhikode district, and in 2019, another outbreak in Kochi district, both in Kerala state). On 29 August, a 12 year-old boy developed low grade fever, and the family sought care at a local health care facility. On 31 August, he was transferred to...